This year the energies and alignments in the universe have been particularly supporting us in self-examination and giving us the strength to go inward, connect with our Self, find the Light in our core, and let go of the things and situations that no longer serve us. Starting this Christmas and continuing in the new year, we will be supported in renewing ourselves, finding new paths, using our creative powers, and visualizing what we truly desire in our hearts.
Like many of us this year, I have been going through this exercise of figuring out who I am, why I am here, what my purpose is and what I am grateful for. A few days ago, I came across a picture my mom sent me years ago. I was about 4-5 years old holding hands with my friends at preschool. When I looked at the picture, I had a feeling that I knew even then why I was here. I just needed to remember it and remind myself of it.
We are all here for a reason, we all have a purpose, we all have gifts and talents. I have been realizing that these gifts can be reflected in so many areas of our lives; they can give us much joy, accomplishments and successes. At the same time, our gifts can present us with great challenges and trials as well. But every challenge or obstacle is also an opportunity to learn and grow and although we may not be able to resolve everything to our hearts’ desire, understanding can give us a peace of mind.
One of my gifts, for example, is connecting. I am able to connect with people, with Source, with nature and with causes. I can hold space for people so that they can connect with each other and I can help people to connect with themselves, with their inner guidance and intuition. The challenge I face with this gift is how to release and let go.
Another gift I have is transformation. I am able to gather information and ideas and synthesize them in a way that is logical, makes sense and creates new ideas or systems. I can also transform spaces so that people would feel at home in their environments, and I can transform a meeting or a gathering into an atmosphere where people feel comfortable, at ease and supported. The challenge this gift gave me was for me to understand that while it can be very rewarding and fulfilling to transform spaces and ideas, when it comes to people, I cannot transform them. It took me a while to realize that I can only change myself and I can only accept and embrace people for who they are. When you start working on yourself, amazing things can happen and although many times life can unfold in ways which are neither expected nor intended, it is all happening for us, for our betterment, for our happiness.
So, ask yourself the question: what is my gift? You may already know it or if you don’t, the answer can come in the form of a dream, during a meditation, while walking in nature, doing the dishes or just getting up one morning, taking a pen and paper and writing down what is flowing into your mind, like it happened with me.
There’s only one of you in the universe. You are unique and you have a gift. Celebrate your gift. Connect with it. It will not only help you to achieve the things you want and overcome the challenges you may face the coming year; it will also keep revealing new things about you which in turn can give rise to even more opportunities to learn and grow.
Wishing Everyone a Blessed Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!