Diary of a Perceptive Woman – Part 2


– Come rest, my child – Alpha called me to him – after today’s busy day you need a little refreshment.
– Greetings, my dear heavenly friend – I replied to him. So, I’m here again in this world which we don’t know anything about down on Earth.
We reached an unfamiliar building. It was a white palace with a large dome. We entered the dome and went up the marble stairs. Alpha was greeted in a friendly way by a few familiar souls. I was wondering what kind of building this could be. We reached the top floor. Huge telescopes were lined up in a big room. I couldn’t speak from the pleasant surprise. Alpha took me to the place where I have always wanted to go. I could never imagine anything more beautiful in my wildest dreams. Alpha walked over to one of the giant binoculars, adjusted something on it, and said – look into it now!
I truly can’t describe the stunning sight that unfolded before my eyes. Stars sparkled in the soot-black sky. As I looked into outer space through this huge spyglass, I saw the tiny planets that revolve around the sun in our solar system which can hardly be seen with a terrestrial telescope. Forgetting everything, I watched the wonders of the universe. Alpha twisted the binoculars again and one of the planets got bigger in an instant. There was a small world of ten metres in diameter with little people, animals, mountains and valleys. I continued to marvel. The binoculars revealed a small room in a tiny house. In the room, there were some creatures that looked like the inhabitants of Earth but I saw something strange on them that I didn’t quite understand; they had little shiny bat wings.
Alpha twisted the equipment again and an astonishingly large celestial body rushed towards us. I suddenly jumped backwards horrified as I thought it was going to hit us …
– Only the telescope brings this planet closer – Alpha informed me with a laugh.
I looked closer again; a huge celestial body covered half the sky. There was still liquid fire on its surface, yet people lived on it. Terrifying giants who could have been 700 metres tall. The admiration made me speechless; I just looked at Alpha.
– Celestial binoculars are more precise than terrestrial ones – said Alpha. Now that you have seen a few planets in the sky, I will show you something else.
I was reluctant to move away from the telescope but I didn’t want to seem disobedient so I followed him. He led me to a microscope and placed a drop of water under it. I thought I was going to see some horrible water creatures but I was wrong. This microscope further magnified the water than similar instruments on Earth. After a few seconds, I saw how the electrons were rotating around the central core. There was the same planetary system in a drop of water as in the infinite universe.
– You see, there is life in everything! On a giant planet and in a drop of water. There is no such thing as big or small for God. In His eyes, the mighty inhabitants of the fiery planet and the tiny electrons in a drop of water are equally dear. He loves the most beautiful angel as much as the last bee because they are both His creations.
– Dear Alpha – I interrupted him curiously – do people live on planets other than Earth?
– It is the result of human arrogance and pride that makes people imagine life only exists on this tiny planet in this incomprehensibly large universe.
– But sweet Alpha, how can people live in that great fire? – I asked my wise friend.
– Child, can you only imagine life forms like the inhabitants of the Earth? Don’t you think there can be beings to whom fire is just as an essential element as air is to you? God is so wise, mighty and rich that He has an idea for every man, so just imagine it for the whole universe…
Huge prospects opened up before my eyes. Beautiful goals I haven’t even dreamed of before. I stood in front of the telescope once more. The sun was rising somewhere far away. It was a strange sight to see in outer space. The Earth has just turned its side towards the sun where I lived. This suggested that I had to leave this fairy world. Alpha’s kind voice accompanied me to the gate.

– Tell me George – I asked my best childhood friend – what do you think about death?
– Death is only a change in our form of existence, nothing else. The soul turns away from the body and lives on in another form. Life cannot be killed; what once exists cannot be destroyed. Matter changes as well. If we burn wood, it will turn into ash and smoke. The ash eventually becomes earth, and the smoke enters the air and later settles as soot; it does not cease to exist, only transforms. The silkworm comes from the egg of the silkworm moth, it forms a cocoon, and the moth emerges from the cocoon within a few weeks. No life ended there, only a change of form took place. The silkworm does not know that it was an egg, nor does the moth hatched from the cocoon remember its silkworm state. Everything flows in the course of eternity. If matter can change this way and is not destroyed, don’t you think that the soul which created the matter also cannot be destroyed?!
– What makes you think life is eternal?
– I don’t think so, I know so! – replied George. I was in Berlin two years ago. I had never been there before, yet when I got to a square, everything seemed as familiar as a place I go to every day. A small street opened from the square and without even taking a step I knew what houses were on that street. I knew that the fourth big yellow building had iron window grills. I began to walk and everything on the little street was as I had anticipated. What was this? Maybe a vision? No. My soul once had lived in that neighbourhood in a human body. Then there was a change of form, which is called death, and later another, which is called birth. The soul that had undergone many changes brought the memories into its present body and recognized the little street and the old house.
– George, do you think we live more than once?
– I know we do! – he replied. Look at small children. One is stubborn and unruly; the other one is silent and dreamy. Where did they learn these qualities? Maybe in the womb or in the cradle? No, the soul had brought its characteristics from previous lives.
Alpha held out his hand toward a bright star in the sky. At that moment, I felt a big lift and we were flying in outer space. The Earth seemed to be surrounded by a floating atmosphere.
– What is this? – I asked him.
– It is the soul of the Earth or as people call it, the afterlife. It surrounds the Earth. Here live the souls of dead people who have left the Earth until they are ready for higher ranking worlds. Those who sleep also come here. Each planet has a different vibration. Venus has a pleasant effect on art, the planet Mars brings ominous war. Mercury is inferior, Jupiter promotes science. So, artists are born under the influence of Venus, military leaders of Mars, scientists of Jupiter, and sensual lowly souls under the influence of Mercury.
I slowly realized that it is not the planet that decides the fate of the soul but it is the soul that decides under which influence it wants to arrive on Earth.
Along the way, Alpha said he had helped at a birth. The man who was born was a respectable man on Earth, left behind a great fortune and stubbornly resisted death. At last, after much argument, his guardian angel cut the cord of life like an earthly midwife cuts an umbilical cord. The old man died of a heart attack on Earth to be born here in the afterlife.
– Come with me, today is an important day – said Alpha cheerfully. Leslie has to wake up and he has to see you and Victoria first.
I was a little hesitant about the task but since there’s no contradicting here, I followed Alpha without a word. While we were talking along the way, I noticed an acquaintance in the distance.
– I knew you were coming here today – she said affectionately. I live here, you see, and I start my journeys from here – said my grandmother.
There was another figure at the end of the hallway; I recognized Victoria in surprise.
– Come in, we have been waiting for you – she said as we entered.
The four of us could barely fit in the room. I looked at the sleeping soul. It was Leslie, my dead husband. He lay calmly, without the slightest sign of life, wrapped in white gauze.
– It’s time for him to wake up – said Leslie’s guardian angel and began to untie the gauze.
She started at his feet and moved upwards. Alpha tidied up the dangling part of the gauze. As the guardian angel reached Leslie’s heart, Leslie sighed deeply and moved. When she removed the last piece of the gauze from his head, Leslie opened his eyes and moaned.
– The car hit me – he gave me a remorseful look. Judith, how can you come to Paris? Forgive me, I’m very sick.
I stroked his face with a smile.
– I’m not mad at you Leslie, I’ve never been mad at you. And we are not in Paris now, we are somewhere else.
He tried to sit up; I helped him.
– The car hit my leg; it ran over me – he returned to his last earthly memory again.
Alpha motioned for me to begin my enlightening work.
– Leslie, you’re dead – I got straight to the point.
– I have died? – he shouted in horror.  Don’t say that, then how can I talk to you now? Are you dead too?
– I’m not dead. Now we are both in the afterlife but I will return to my body in the morning and you will stay here because your body had already been buried so you cannot go back.
– Was my body buried? – the patient wondered – then how can I still live?
– Your soul lives, your body is dead!
– The soul; that’s foolish! There is no such thing, there is only matter! – cried the materialist soul, who now wanted to deny himself.
– Who are these? – he pointed to the others.
– This is my guardian angel, this is yours. In the corner that is Victoria, your daughter, whom you had left along with me when you lived on Earth.
– Little Victoria has got so big? Then something must have happened to me!
– Get out of bed, my child! – said his guardian angel to Leslie – and come with me to the garden.
– I can’t go, my leg broke when the car hit me – objected the patient.
– You can walk, just do it!
Finally, Leslie got up and started walking. They walked to the garden and I followed them. Leslie’s mother was sitting on a bench. When she saw his son, she opened both her arms towards him.
– Welcome, my sweet child!
Leslie looked at her in disbelief.
– My mother … he muttered to himself. My mother had died a long time ago and yet she is talking to me? What kind of place is this? I wish I woke up from this bad dream!
– This is not a dream; this is reality! – said his guardian angel.
I went back to Alpha who informed me that if I didn’t show myself, Leslie could talk more with his mother.
– Alpha – I addressed him – tell me where my father is as I haven’t met him yet.
– He’s already been resurrected.
– I do not understand!
– Come on, I’ll show you! – Alpha called.
I went after him.
– Look ahead! – he pointed to a simple little room.
It was dark, yet I could see everything clearly.
A young woman was sleeping in a bed; the blanket, her nightgown and her body were transparent. There was some dark matter in her womb about the size of a fist. A white cord reached out of the dark matter and was connected to a mist-like human figure above the sleeper. In the young woman, I recognized Tekla, the impoverished baroness, and my father looked at me from the face of the mist-like figure. Everything became clear to me at once. My father was no longer in the realm of souls; he was a tiny child developing on Earth to be born again. The experience was deeply saddening.

I met with my half-brother, Philos, again. The Lord had created our souls together. Philos hugged me and we went into the palace together. In a gleaming and spacious room, many sat around a table. The angels were all in long white robes. When we entered, they greeted us in a friendly manner. We sat down at the table too and I soon found out that they always came together for a meeting at Philos’ house when he was at home and not travelling through space. I watched the gathering closely.
What will they be discussing?
One of the angels, whose star on his forehead was just as bright as Alpha’s, placed a long full sheet of paper on the table.
Alpha stood up; everyone became silent.
– My brothers and sisters, we have come together today to prepare the tragedy of the Berlin-Prague railway line for the sake of our dear fellow human beings on Earth. There are many of them for whom we have been waiting here, and whose earthly time has passed. At first, there will be a lot of tears but when they will be able to consider things from a higher perspective, they will understand that it happened for their sake. I see the roster is together – he picked up the sheet of paper from the table.
– I want the map too! The disaster will happen here – Alpha pointed to a point on the map. The high-speed train will crash into a loaded freight train at the intersection!
I keenly listened to his words. So, there is no accident. Here they know everything in advance and even prepare the events. And tragedies are said to be good for people. Strange. It looks like I still have a lot to learn to be able to look at events from their perspective.
– The first shift guard needs to be removed – Alpha continued.
– Honest and good man, nothing wrong should happen to him. The other guard will be assigned to serve for the duration of the collision. He should be punished for his constant drunkenness.
The guardian angels of the two shift guards were gone. They went about their duties.
– The first two cars of the high-speed train will be smashed; the conductor and the stoker will die. The time of the current conductor has not been up yet. Brother Inocent will ensure that his protégé contracts a sudden illness and his deputy is put to work. Others have been waiting for him here. In the third and fourth car, minor injuries will occur and injuries must be assigned here. There will be nothing wrong with the other cars. Brother Horustus, please report about your protégé.
One soul stood up.
– My patron is a wholesaler. He was entrusted with his stepdaughter’s assets. In two days, he wants to bet the money on a horse race to pocket the profit. He will travel to Prague.
– Put him in the third car – said Alpha. He will suffer minor internal injuries and two days of unconsciousness. By the time he wakes up, the horse race will be over, leaving the money he otherwise would have lost.
The soul was gone.
– Philos – continued Alpha – my protégé is a deputy and his time is up, put him in the first car.
– Virtus! Clerk. Three years ago, he embezzled the assets of orphans; his guilt has not yet been revealed. Third car, broken arm. His hand with which he stole the orphans’ money will be cut off.
– Prudus! Jeweler. His time is up. He wants to travel to Budapest with his wife and young son. The child had taken on the task to become a renowned doctor in 20 years time. The child should have a high fever which will prevent him from travelling; his mother will stay by his side. His father is to be placed in the first car.
– Hilaris! My protégé is a hated lawyer. He has three years left to live. He will miss the train.
– Lenis! He is a good man, doesn’t hurt anybody, travels to his mother’s funeral. His time is not up yet; he should be placed in the last car.
– Grace! The countess travels with her young daughter. She is a nonbeliever; she recognizes no higher power than matter. Her daughter is already more advanced; before she was born, she had undertaken the task of awakening her mother from her spiritual darkness with her early death. To the second car! The countess is to be put in a safe place; the child should be placed next to the door.
– Sapientina! My protégé is a widow, her time is up but she has no intention of travelling anywhere.
– Encourage her to visit her sister in Komarom. Put her in the second car.
After receiving instructions, the souls left one by one to visit their protégés.
In the end, there were three of us left.
– Hurry up – urged Alpha – it’s soon time for the collision; we need to be there.
– Can I come too? – I asked.
– You can come but always stay with Philos – replied Alpha, and we set off.
A terrible storm raged in the dark night. The abandoned little guardhouse was surrounded by souls. There were midwives, doctors, nurses, relatives, guardian angels and others who all helped and contributed in various ways. I was petrified. To my amazement, I saw that everyone was talking quietly as if they knew nothing. In my great fear, I thought about going back to my body and waking up so that I would not have to see what was coming, but my curiosity prevailed and I stayed with Philos.
– How can you wait for this tragedy to happen so calmly? – I asked Philos, pointing to the others.
– We’re not human. For us, this is not a tragedy but kind help that we can give to our fellow human beings so that they can advance.
Down on the stormy ground, the guard stepped out with wine influenced humming, swinging a red light. A few minutes later, the freight train appeared and the rumble of the high-speed train was also approaching. The beam of the headlights tore into the night. I watched intently. What happened afterwards flashed before my eyes like a movie. The high-speed train ran into the middle of the freight train, the locomotive turned over, its first two cars crashed, the third and fourth cars derailed, the other cars stopped. The three middle wagons of the freight train fell over. Screaming, death groans, running around and chaos. The red glow of a torch-light made people look like bloody shadows. By the time help arrived, the surviving passengers had pulled the wounded out of the wreckage. The otherworldly souls went to work. I saw Horustus leaning over the fainted wholesaler and protecting his life cord; a few steps away I saw Philos who had just cut the cord of the deputy. Grace had a lot of work to do because the countess was injured and the little girl was dying. A man approached with water to help the little girl, but before he could help, Grace had cut the cord, handing the girl’s soul to one of the nurses. The man, realizing it was too late to help the little girl, went to her mother. Grace breathed life into the countess’s face and she opened her eyes.
– Where’s my little girl? – asked the countess from the man leaning over her.
– She had been taken by ambulance with minor injuries – lied the man to reassure the mother.
Prudus took the jeweler’s soul with him. Virtus made sure the clerk didn’t get more than a broken arm. Sapientina needed to use great effort to break the cord of the tough old widow, even though one of the wagons fell on her. Everyone did the job that had been entrusted to them exactly like a doctor does when he operates. When the otherworldly souls had done their duties, they escorted home their protégés.
Alpha turned to Philos.
– We’ll meet you again tomorrow at your place. We’ll need to talk about and prepare the earthquake in Taiwan and the South American flood!
I learned a lot in these few hours. There is no accident, and the consequences of our actions will firmly and inevitably be realized.


Diary of a Perceptive Woman – Part 1